About Me

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Okay, so there are 6 billion people on the planet….when I grew up there were only 7. It’s hard to keep up….. Where did it all go? Who had I become? Am I just another loan shark in a suit? A little while ago, I had a breakdown…breakdown? Breakthrough. I couldn’t escape a single thought. I hated myself. No, No, here’s what it was, I hated my place in the world. I had so much to say and no one to listen. And then sudenly, it happened….it was the oddest, most unexpected thing. I began creating what they call an internet blog. It’s not a gossip blog, more of a personal diary. You know, like a historical reference of someone’s life. I’ll be the first to admit, what I’ll provide will be somewhat touchy feely. I don’t care, this is the me I’d always wanted to be! This is, the otherside.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pearl Jam - Music & Lyrics

Many listeners interpreted "Alive" as an inspirational anthem due to its decidedly uplifting instrumentals and chorus. Vedder has since revealed that the song tells the semi-biographical tale of a son discovering that his father is actually his stepfather (his real father having died long ago), while his mother's grief turns her to sexually embrace her son, who strongly resembles the biological father.[3] "Alive" and "Once" formed part of a song cycle in what Vedder later described as a "mini-opera" entitled Momma-Son (the third song, "Footsteps", appeared as a B-side on the "Jeremy" single). Vedder explained that the lyrics told the story of a young man whose father dies ("Alive"), causing him to go on a killing spree ("Once") which leads to his capture and execution ("Footsteps"). It was later revealed that Vedder's lyrics were inspired by his long-held hurt in discovering at age 17 that the man he thought was his father was not, and that his real father had already died.[1]

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